Hispanic Influencers - Texas


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Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Hispanic Influencers - Texas (16)
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  • How to Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., not to be confused with the 15th century German priest Martin Luther, is an internationally recognized civil rights leader and preacher who promoted non-violent resistance (such as protests, grassroots organizing, and civil disobedience) to oppose racial discrimination and injustice. On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in an attempt to prevent the continuation of the Civil Rights Movement. Every third Monday in January we celebrate MLK day, which falls near Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Go to a museum that features a relevant exhibit, like the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture, check out some books about Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement from your local library, watch a movie that focuses on race relations, sit down with your kids, relatives and friends and have an open discussion about MLK, the Civil Rights Movement, segregation, and other important topics.

  • How to Keep Pets Safe During Fireworks

    The holiday season can be a very scary time for pets and livestock, especially during New Year’s and 4th of July, when most families are out enjoying their local fireworks shows. Here in South Texas, we have even bigger fireworks celebrations for New Year’s than we do for 4th of July, so I want to take a moment to share some tips with ya’ll, in the hopes that it will help you to keep pets safe during fireworks and bring them home in the event that they do get lost. Even pets who may seem calm day-to-day can become overwhelmed and scared during a holiday fireworks show. That’s why it’s so important to have your current contact info attached to your pet in the form of an ID tag or microchip so that they can easily be returned home if found.

  • Low Carb Keto Nachos with Mac's Spicy Cracklins

    I remember standing with my dad while he pointed at the glass case, trying to decide what to try next. Maybe a little barrel of juice, some pinwheels, licorice or some of those little root beer barrel candies. These chicharrón nachos are the perfect low-carb keto alternative to your everyday lunch We used Mac’s Spicy Cracklins, ground turkey (seasoned with garlic, salt, and cumin), shredded cheddar cheese, fresh chopped tomatoes, mashed avocado, sour cream, freshly squeezed lime, and Franks Red Hot Sauce.

  • Where to Find Black Christmas Tree Toppers

    The tree toppers found on store shelves are still not very diverse and tend to be pale and blonde, which doesn’t reflect most families in the U. S. Because whiteness is still associated with purity and has become so intertwined within American Christianity, there isn’t much available for families that want to put a beautiful brown-skinned angel on the same pedestal. Stars are great, don’t get me wrong, but there is so much value in children seeing the representation of a beautiful, brown, angelic woman atop our Christmas tree. Even online, the selection is still very limited, but I was able to find several Black Angel Tree Toppers, so I thought I would share them with you. The links below showcase several gorgeous Black Angel Tree Toppers that you can buy online.

  • Cole Park & McGee Beach in Corpus Christi, Texas

    Corpus Christi is a gorgeous oceanside city with amazing food, gorgeous beaches and tons of local arts and festivals to enjoy. This gorgeous recreational area includes a bay view, pier and fishing jetty, amphitheater, water gardens, children’s playground, picnic area, and skate park. On the day we visited Corpus Christi, the pier was closed, so we weren’t able to walk out away from the shore (you can make out the pier in the image below). A convenient feature of the park is the availability of Blue Duck scooters, which you can rent and use to get around the park and the downtown area.

  • Carlota Zambrano 15K DECEMBER 10, 2019
    Decorar casitas de Jengibre en Navidad

    Aunque no formaron parte de mis tradiciones navideñas, es una que formalmente hemos adoptado y le hemos tomado mucho cariño, una actividad que nos encanta y sobre la que vamos construyendo bonitos recuerdos cada Navidad. esos días de vacaciones antes de Navidad, las hemos hecho para dar la bienvenida a la temporada luego de montar Algunas ideas para que las casitas sean fáciles de decorar por las pequeñas manitas de sus chiquitines 5.- Para la decoración tener extra frosting y transferirlo a contenedores o mangas pequeñas que sean más fáciles de manejar por las pequeñas manitas de nuestros hijos.

  • Getting Started in Food Photography

    As I spent more time on my food photography, I was able to justify spending money on props, like tabletop tiles, backgrounds, and flatware. While some might not showcase the depth of field (focus on a single point in the image and a blurred background) that a D-SLR allows, it’s great for overhead shots, like scenic or flat-lay style scenes. If you do choose to get a Canon Rebel series, they do have a Food Photography mode, which also helps to keep things simple when you’re just getting started. So many people spend all their time and energy making their photos look like someone else’s, but my favorite food photographers are the ones that have their own style.

  • Where to Buy a Screw-On Lens Cap

    The first camera I remember using was my parents’ 110 film camera. My first inclination is to put it in my bag and head out, but then the camera gets jostled around and the camera lens cap falls off. I finally got the point a few months ago where I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I started looking for long-term options. You can also check your camera owner’s manual, the box your lens came in or simply refer to this handy guide.

  • How to Celebrate Native Peoples on Thanksgiving & #GivingTuesday

    Thanksgiving is a time of giving and a time to reflect on the previous year and give thanks for all that has been given to us. List of Native American Organizations to Donate to on #GivingTuesday #GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. Over the past seven years, it has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give.

  • Carnitas Breakfast Tostada with Avocado Salsa

    Shredded pork tostadas topped with crispy pork, a warm and gooey fried egg, spicy avocado salsa and fresh squeezed lime. These delicious slow cooker shredded pork tostadas came to me after hubby asked for an egg sandwich and we didn’t have any bread in the house. To counter the richness of the egg yoke and salty pork, I topped these tostadas with a delicious avocado tomatillo salsa. * Top it with a variety of ingredients; like a fried egg, beans, papas con huevo, avocado slices, creamy Oaxaca or Chihuahua cheese, or pickled jalapeños and carrots.

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