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GENIUS NY Created by GENIUS NY JUNE 08, 2018

Every young entrepreneur needs a guide from time to time. These entrepreneurship experts offer helpful advice and resources to those looking to start and grow their businesses.

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Jul 20

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Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Entrepreneurs (59)
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  • My growing company is being courted. Should we sell while we’re hot?

    Webb says the answer may depend on whether joining forces with a big buyer will help the company grow faster than it could on its own. My sense is that if you’ve made it to breakout-land and have happy customers who like your products or service, you will probably be stronger staying on your own—as long as you learn how to scale. The good news is that this problem has been solved way more times than getting to relevance, which is a much harder problem that you’ve already tackled. If you desire to ride it out, and own it, and lead it, running it might be the right thing (as long as you are convinced that it will keep getting better).

  • Thinking of (gasp) traveling again? Away is having a rare sale on suitcases and bags

    We’ve finally reached the point where each day we’re one step closer to the end of the pandemic. We’ve finally reached the point where each day we’re one step closer to the end of the pandemic. Away is holding its second-ever sale, with 30% off a select batch of its best-selling and fan-favorite totes, bags, and luggage. The Medium roller suitcase Actress Rashida Jones’s collab with the brand launched in the near-middle of the pandemic, so she turned to her homestead surroundings for inspiration.

  • Why overcoming the taboo of sharing salaries is critical to reaching equal pay

    eThe date of Equal Pay Day is symbolic: It tells us how long into the new year women have to work to earn what men earned the previous year. This year it falls on March 24, 2021, because the gap between men’s and women’s pay is close to $0.20 for each dollar earned. eThe date of Equal Pay Day is symbolic: It tells us how long into the new year women have to work to earn what men earned the previous year. This year it falls on March 24, 2021, because the gap between men’s and women’s pay is close to $0.20 for each dollar earned.

  • Suez Canal blocked: Ship tracker map shows massive traffic jam in real time

    One of the world’s biggest container ships is awkwardly stuck in the canal, leaving a long line of other ship traffic piled up in its wake. One of the world’s biggest container ships is awkwardly stuck in the canal, leaving a long line of other ship traffic piled up in its wake. As The Guardian reports, the ship’s operator, Evergreen Marine Corp, said the Ever Given ran aground after being hit by a gust of wind and thus became awkwardly logged in its current place. The Suez Canal is one of the most important shipping lanes in the world and the blockage of it by the Ever Given could have ramifications for some supply chains for weeks to come.

  • How to lead when you’re not in charge

    It is actually the act of getting a group of people to do something that is in their best interest, or in the best interest of others, whether or not you have the authority to command those people to do what you want them to do. In our work with aspiring leaders like Jen, we’ve uncovered eight ways to exercise leadership when you’re not in charge: Have the Courage to Act Keep the Work at the CenterHarvard professor Ron Heifetz, the father of adaptive leadership, argues that the harder the problem you’re trying to solve, the more people will want to distract themselves from the work at hand. If you help your colleagues see that your interest in exercising leadership is driven by values, and not by self-interest, it is very hard to say no, unless of course they have conflicting values.

  • Is your clothing really sustainable? These 5 clues will tell you

    ’s practices, then uses this system to rank 15 of the largest companies in the industry, including Nike, Gap, Hermes, and the parent companies of Louis Vuitton and Uniqlo. It can help you ask the right questions when you’re shopping and help you see past any greenwashing claims.“Consumers are getting more sophisticated about how they think about sustainability because it’s a growing part of the cultural zeitgeist,” says Sarah Kent, Business of Fashion‘s sustainability lead, who spearheaded this study. But being laser focused on one environmental impact ignores the diverse and often interconnected ways a brand is harming the planet.“There are valid reasons why a company might choose to focus on a specific topic within sustainability, perhaps because it’s something they’ve analyzed or determine they can have the most impact,” says Kent. Making clothes has a terrible impact on the world’s water supply, from water-intensive cotton farming to using toxic dyes and chemicals that pollute local drinking water.

  • 4 best practices for building resilience during a challenging year

    In times of heightened stress and pain, it takes more than trusting your ability to get over things. The good news is that resilience is “a set of practical skills that can be developed with practice and patience,” Josh Altman, associate director of Adelphi University’s Student Counseling Center, tells Fast Company. Many people neglect to sit with their feelings, which could help ensure they don’t make the same mistake again or feel the same level of stress in the future. Take a larger view of the situation and ask yourself “why” questions that help you refocus on your foundational purpose, grounding you in the process, and helping you gain perspective.

  • 2 former Navy SEALs are using robot submarines to build ‘Google Earth’ for the ocean

    2 former Navy SEALs are using robot submarines to build ‘Google Earth’ for the oceanAustin-based startup Terradepth aims to map the ocean floor and its environments with thousands of autonomous robotic submarines. There’s a whole lot of room for modern technology to come in and disrupt the world of ocean exploration and the industry of ocean surveys.”That vision has since blossomed into Austin-based Terradepth, a data service company that has developed a new type of robotic submarine to autonomously map the ocean and its varied environments. The big question was, is this thing going to be able to do its job without human intervention, because no one’s ever really done that to the degree that we’re trying to do it.”Before founding their startup in 2018, the entrepreneurs ran their idea by the Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Wolfel and Kauffman see Terradepth as a complement to existing ocean mapping and exploration initiatives, such as those conducted by NASA, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s Seafloor Mapping Lab, which assisted in the probe’s sensor development.

  • #MeToo cases cost companies a small fortune—and it’s not the legal fees

    Want to watch a company’s market value plummet in 24 hours? An eye-opening analysis published this week in the Journal of Corporate Finance finds that, on average, news of a sexual harassment case at a major company will lead to a market value decline of 1.5% through the following day. But managers and investors should also be interested for purely financial reasons, as it can wipe off enormous amounts of market value in a matter of days,” said coauthor Ulf Nielsson, an associate professor of finance at Copenhagen Business School, in a statement. Researchers at Copenhagen Business School studied 200 sexual harassment cases from 2005-2019 at mostly well-known companies like Facebook, Goldman Sachs, CBS, Amazon, Disney, Tesla, and Fox.

  • A simple way to tackle America’s most entrenched problems? Retrofit houses

    Energy-efficiency investments in low-income housing have broad ripple effects, including financial relief for residents, lower carbon emissions and healthier indoor environments. Well-designed energy-efficiency measures provide economic, health and climate benefits in single-family and multifamily homes, including in low-income housing. We found that weatherization alone, without other improvements, may actually increase indoor air pollution in low income, multifamily housing, especially in homes where people smoke or cook frequently with gas stoves. If better housing saves money, makes residents healthier and more comfortable, improves air quality, decreases greenhouse gas emissions and reduces racial disparities, why don’t we have more of it?

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