Fighting Game Community / FGC


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.


A Pack for fighting game fans, also known as the "FGC". Discuss and collaborate to make content related to both 2D and 3D fighters!


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Fighting Game Community / FGC (27)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Dustin Minor 43 OCTOBER 23, 2019
    So Our Technical Difficulties Are Over!

    Children dress up as whatever they please and go around from house to house, saying “Trick or Treat” to the adults who give them candy. I’m not sure if that’s actually true, but it’s a good story nevertheless. , that is all the time I have for you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. I love all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals long time, and I will see all you dudes, in the next post!

  • Dustin Minor 43 OCTOBER 04, 2019
    So Apparently We're Experiencing Some Technical Difficulties!

    My own research brings the hope that it is a temporary server glitch that will pass with time and bring no harm but a mild and temporary annoyance. But all we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best until my host gets back to me about what needs done. Don’t forget to leave a like if you enjoyed reading this post, and subscribe to make sure you get notified about whenever I make a post. And if you just love my content, you’ll be happy to know that I have written an entire Book available for purchase on Amazon.

  • Dustin Minor 43 OCTOBER 03, 2019
    So I Failed Already, But There Is Good News!

    We are growing guys, gals, and non-binary pals! More reviews, more life updates, more selling out the fact that I wrote a Book available for purchase on Amazon. So leave a like on all your favorite posts and share them as well to all of your friends and family so they can join the Internet Explorers! Love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals long time, I will see you in the the next post.

  • Dustin Minor 43 OCTOBER 02, 2019
    Happy October Everyone!

    I am going to try to partake in Blogtober, which essentially means posting at least once every day like I tried to do for a Halloween Spooktacular. In other news I am setting up a new email notifier system, but it won’t sync with old users. Tomorrow’s post will likely be about how I feel the interview went. I will also hopefully be posting lots of spooky reviews and I had an idea for posting spooky Halloween facts too. and costume ideas.

  • Dustin Minor 43 SEPTEMBER 18, 2019
    Sorry, Yesterday Was Important (Happy Birthday Grandma)

    Life gets in the way sometimes and yesterday was a very important day to my family. As some of you may know and some of you may not, This world lost my grandmother to cancer two years ago. She was a lovely lady who was cruelly taken from this world before anybody was ready, not that any other time would have been better. Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal, but love leaves a memory that no one can steal.

  • Dustin Minor 43 SEPTEMBER 14, 2019
    I Am Disappointed

    A day many have their own traditions and ways of remembering those who died and the first responders who tried to make that number as small as possible. I inadvertently pulled an all-nighter as a result of reading about the grossness that took place on house floor in the state of North Carolina. America is, the story of all of us, told together” That is NOT What took place on that house floor. I’m gonna try to go to sleep now and hopefully not have dreams of fire and brimstone, like back in the 1800s or something.

  • Dustin Minor 43 SEPTEMBER 13, 2019
    Sorry For Another Late Night Update (Once Again)

    And I’m also having the problem of sleeping too long in the day, I might have to ask my Psychiatrist to dial back on my night time medications. I’m glad to provide you with a small dose of entertainment and reading material today. I also hope that if you are a minor and reading my material, that I’m a good influence on you. Don’t forget to like this post if you for some reason enjoyed my small update.

  • Dustin Minor 43 SEPTEMBER 12, 2019
    Back to the Drawing Board

    My dad is looking for work as well, either a well paying job or to start up his own business working to fix computers from home. , he can clean computers of viruses and malware and fix hardware issues like nobody Cuz I really would like to have money for the holidays and to do nice things for my dad like covering some of the bills. Don’t forget to like this post if you enjoyed reading it.

  • Dustin Minor 43 SEPTEMBER 10, 2019
    We Hit 300 Subscribers!

    I am posting today to thank each and every one of you for joining our little family. I want to thank you for existing because I know you will leave your mark on the world. It is Hydrocephalus Awareness Month, So please read This Post to donated to the Hydrocephalus Assoctiation if you wish to donate. Well my fellow internet explorers, that is all the time I have for you today.

  • Dustin Minor 43 SEPTEMBER 09, 2019
    Roadmap To A Cure (Hydrocephalus Awareness)

    A lovely early start to my day because my dad woke me up because I mistakenly left the mayo out last night. Obviously I am proof that it is indeed a very livable disorder, especially if caught as early as mine was. Donating is totally not obligatory, but you will have my eternal gratitude, and the gratitude of everyone with the disorder. And if you got it by injury, I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve it and please do not blame yourself.

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