Slow Travel in Europe


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Monika Fuchs Created by Monika Fuchs MARCH 26, 2019

Slow travel destinations and experiences in Europe are the topics of this pack.

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    This Pack includes 6 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

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  • Books and Literature
  • Events and Attractions
  • Food & Drink
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Desserts and Baking
  • Family and Relationships
  • Real Estate
  • Extreme Sports
  • Travel
  • Travel Locations
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Slow Travel in Europe (17)
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  • How to make Eierlikör at Home

    Because I buy farm fresh eggs, I don’t usually worry about the eggs (I like to eat cookie dough too… and I’ve been known to run with scissors). If you aren’t certain about your eggs, or you don’t like the idea of raw eggs, please use the recipe from my friend Nadia at Spoonfuls of Germany. Glass Bottle Set with Swing Top Stoppers and Includes Bottle Brush , Funnel and Gold Glass Marker | Liter (6 Pack) ROUND Clear Glass Grolsch Flip Top Bottle With Stopper, for Beverages, Smoothies, Kefir, Beer, Soda, Juicing, Kombucha, Water, Milk, Oil and Vinegar

  • Eierlikör Torte Recipe – Perfect for Easter or the Kaffeeklatsch

    The original recipe calls for pouring Eierlikör over the whipped cream topped cake (that’s why you put the tufts of cream around the edges, it holds the liqueur in). Also, works as 1/2 cup chocolate chips) 40 gr Chocolate shavings (I just used what was left from a chocolate bar...) Chocolate eggs or Marzipan eggs for Decoration if desired Prepare (I usually just transfer them to another bowl, and use the stand mixing bowl for the next part) Put the Egg Yolks and Sugar into the mixing bowl, and beat at medium speed until they are well combined and look almost white. Lightly Sweetened Whipped Cream goes on the top and sides… smooth with a spatula (an offset spatula is perfect for this, a regular one will do) Sprinkle on the sides of the cake Make sure your fingers are cold… you can tip the cake a bit for a better angle

  • Mirela Vaduva 18K MARCH 29, 2021
    Best Travel Guide To Spice Islands Indonesia

    History is a major part of the Maluku Islands, so let’s kick things off with the story of how they got the name of Spice Islands and why they’re so popular. Now that we’ve got the history of the Spice Islands out of the way, let’s take a look at what you could be doing in Ambon City, the place to go to, and all around it. The two we would recommend are Liang Beach, a beach that’s about 40km from the city, and has stunning white sand and crystal clear waters, and Natsepa Beach, a slightly more popular alternative to Liang Beach. It’s popular for quite a few things, such as the Sanggar Budaya Seram Museum, a museum that allows you to learn quite a lot about the cultural and historical background of the Maluku Islands.

  • South Dakota Kuchen Recipe- A Volga German Legacy

    Like Germans in Germany, South Dakota Germans make time to sit with a coffee and a slice of Kuchen. Most use an enriched yeast dough, are filled with fruit and custard, then baked in a pie or cake pan. I made the dough without any changes, but then I cut the dough in half, cut the custard recipe in half, and just baked 3 Kuchen. After the first rise Push the dough 1 inch up the sides of the pan Sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg Add Fruit Then sprinkle with crumbs Cover the fruit with Custard and more crumbs

  • 10 Best Spring Destinations to Visit in 2021

    Then leave the city behind for a day trip to Waiheke: Auckland’s wine island where you can sample the Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc that New Zealand is known for. Visit Belgrade from March to May to uncover the city’s history. I fell in love with the food market my first day, and then quickly uncovered the city’s secrets and lost the rest of my heart. the city’s battles with the Venetians on a walking tour along the towering city walls.

  • Mirela Vaduva 18K MARCH 28, 2021
    4 Best Destinations With Optical Illusions

    We must not ignore the fact that we live in a three-dimensional world, where we perceive through our brain the sense of depth, shadow, and light – elements important in understanding optical illusions. Visiting this museum, you will discover the well-hidden magic behind visual illusions, with places like the Infinity Room with its thousands of mirrors or the hologram room with its amazing lighting and 3d holograms. With a huge history dating back to the distant 1853, this particular travel destination can offer you hundreds of different optical illusions that will impress you and your family. It is based on a traditional technical method, which can turn two-dimensional paintings into three-dimensional ones, using various dimensions, ultimately creating an optical illusion.

  • Mirela Vaduva 18K MARCH 28, 2021
    Top 5 Professions To Earn Money While Traveling

    A professional plumber’s valuable knowledge can provide solutions to any plumbing problem, whether small or large. So imagine living in a rented apartment and noticing a leak in the bathroom plumbing pipes; your first reaction would be to solve your own plumbing problem, right? Taking your musical instrument with you on your travels, you have the opportunity to share the compositions with other people, choosing a focal point with enough movement so that more and more people enjoy your natural talent in music. Of course, I don’t strictly refer only to street musicians, as there are also other performers such as dancers, acrobats, and painters who can share their art with the thousands of travelers who pass in front of them every day, contributing a small amount to their ambitious effort.

  • Mirela Vaduva 18K MARCH 27, 2021
    Top 5 Enchanting Places Away From Paris France

    In the capital of Burgundy, it is almost mandatory to leave aside the famous wine of the region and replace it with some other French magic: mustard. The best bulk and packaged mustard are sold at the corner boutique Maille with a wood-lined shop window, according to the recipe invented in 1747 by Antoine Maille. If you want to spend your precious vacation time in this truly enchanting place, you can turn to the company Erna Low, which offers complete accommodation packages at the most incredible prices, creating holiday programs that meet your needs exclusively. Other travel articles you should read on The Travel Bunny blog France travel costs in top French destinations Skiing in France:

  • Mirela Vaduva 18K MARCH 27, 2021
    Super Tips To Stay Hydrated While Traveling

    But it’s an experience that strains our body and specifically our skin, as we discover that it’s not easy to stay hydrated while traveling. Constant exposure to the sun, consumption of a minimal amount of water, and our constant movement from place to place can create problems not only in appearance but also in our body’s overall health and our metabolism. Why it’s important to stay hydrated while traveling How to stay hydrated while traveling By purchasing quality nutritional supplements from the online store Foto Pharmacy, you can take with you on your trip all those essential products that will accompany your regular meals, providing protection and hydration throughout your tedious and sensitive journey.

  • Rachel Webb 9K MARCH 27, 2021
    Oh to Go!

    My son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter have just been confirmed positive, we´ve had tests and are on tenterhooks waiting a phone call. I´m trying to put it out of my mind while sitting outside keeping an eye on the dogs we´re having to dog sit as my son is not allowed out, not even to walk the dogs. Oh that all this is behind us and we can finally start planning trips to some of the lovely places we have lined up to visit and showcase here for you. We only managed to get to two last year Villa Andalucia B&B and Finca Gordo B&B both in lovely corners of Andalucia.

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