Jackie McEwan is the founder of Gluten Free Follow Me, the guide to living gluten-free. Eleven years ago, Jackie learned she had celiac disease. She had just graduated from Georgetown University and moved to New York City for her finance job. Jackie had to figure out what gluten was, what foods she could eat, what foods she had to avoid, and the nuances in between. It was incredibly overwhelming, and she wished she had a go-to guide to tell her all she needed to know about following a gluten-free diet. This manual did not yet exist so Jackie did a ton of research and learned how to maneuver being gluten-free at restaurants and in her own kitchen. Gluten Free Follow Me was born! glutenfreefollowme.com allows users to do their own customized searches across 2,500+ gluten-free friendly eateries, products, and recipes she’s personally reviewed and made.
Jackie is so happy that she can share what she’s learned and have others benefit from her experiences and research. She wants everyone to feel comfortable when eating. Whether you have to be gluten-free, choose to be gluten-free, or have a family member or friend that follows a gluten-free diet, we all deserve to eat well! Jackie loves to discover gluten-free options locally & in her travels, find the best products, and develop her own gluten-free creations.
After living in New York City, Los Angeles, and doing vanlife, Jackie is now settled in Connecticut with her husband Brendan, their first baby Chloe, and their golden retriever rescue Odie!