One Fancy Cookie

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Afro LatinašŸ‡µšŸ‡¦Girl mom x2Wife to my HS sweetheart
MotherhoodLifestyleNatural hair

BKāœˆļøATL Owner @fancyschmancycookie Email for collabs

Member Since MAY 08, 2020
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Itching and sneezing, and hives OH MY! The beginning of my journey as an allergy mom.

She tried fish for a second time and complained about the same thing, so we figured she was probably allergic to the fish. I have seasonal allergies and for me an allergic reaction looking like swollen eyes, runny eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and stuffiness. I mean other than the original mad dash to the ER the first go around, we eliminated what we thought was causing the reaction, which was peanut butter and anything peanut related for our oldest daughter and fish for your youngest. My oldest daughter has food allergies and my youngest has a mixture of food and environmental allergies.

How To Style Two Strand Twist: Kids Edition

A protective hairstyle is a style that tucks the ends of your hair away from being exposed to things that can damage it such as the sun, heat, and constant manipulation. If you hadnā€™t noticed by now, I prefer things that keep their hair healthy while also being easy to do. Like I mentioned my girl loves a half up half down moment. Your child gets a new look and you donā€™t have to manipulate their hair too much.

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