Pupils Project has come a long way but first, to bring you up to speed:
A few years ago, as part of our Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program, we created Pupils Project, our program with a number of organizations and local government agencies in New York City and Baltimore that provides free vision screenings, eye exams, and glasses to kids who need them the most.
In 2015, we began a four-year partnership with the City of New York, Department of Education, and the Office of School Health in which we provide school-based vision help to students enrolled in Community Schools.
In 2016, we kicked off Vision for Baltimore, a three-year partnership with the City of Baltimore, Baltimore City Health Department, and Vision to Learn, that reaches all students in 150 elementary and middle public schools throughout the city.
But in the 2018–2019 school year, Pupils Project will be in over 250 (!) schools in New York City and we estimate that over 30,000 (!) pairs of glasses will be given out in both New York City and Baltimore.