Multi-Generational Travel


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Sheri McDonald Created by Sheri McDonald Advisor JANUARY 30, 2019

Multi-generational travel is a great way to see the world and strengthen family bonds. This is a group for everyone who travels with parents, grandparents, kids and more of the extended family.


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Audience 2M
  • 790K
  • 322K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 15 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 12K
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  • Career Advice
  • Events and Attractions
  • Food & Drink
  • Barbecues and Grilling
  • Cooking
  • Desserts and Baking
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Home & Garden
  • Pop Culture
  • Beauty
  • Shopping
  • Extreme Sports
  • Travel
  • Travel Locations
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Multi-Generational Travel (25)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Best Things To Do In Kennywood for Families!

    The Steel Cur­tain roller coast­er is locat­ed in Steel­ers Coun­try in Ken­ny­wood, the first ever theme park area and coast­er to be named after a pro­fes­sion­al sports fran­chise, specif­i­cal­ly the Pitts­burgh Steelers. There’s anoth­er area called Kid­dieland, which is devot­ed to clas­sic attrac­tions for lit­tle ones like a mer­ry-go-round. Found­ed in 1898, the Monon­ga­hela Street Rail­way Com­pa­ny leased a pop­u­lar pic­nic site, Ken­ny’s Grove, from Charles Ken­ny in order to open a trol­ley park to encour­age peo­ple to use the com­pa­ny’s trol­ley cars. If you’d like to stay clos­er to down­town Pitts­burgh, the Fair­mount is arguably the nicest hotel in Pitts­burgh, that’s actu­al­ly where celebri­ties usu­al­ly stay when they are in town film­ing movies!

  • Chrysa Duran 155K MARCH 31, 2021
    Goodwill April Weekend Sale – 20% Off!

    Subscribe to the Thrifty Minnesota newsletter for all the latesr deals, tips, and more! Spruce up your spring wardrobe, too, with a huge selection of items that start at just $0.99. Disclaimer: Offer is valid on black, blue, green, pink and yellow tags, up to $100 purchase on Friday, 4/2 – Saturday, 4/3. Hi, I'm Chrysa, and I'm here along with my friends Kristi and Laura to share fun and thrifty ways for you and your family to enjoy all the awesome things Minnesota has to offer!

  • How to Check for an Authentic Patek Philippe Watch Divine Lifestyle

    Patek Philippe makes sure that all the details printed on each of their watches are polished. Another effective way to check if a Patek Philippe watch is authentic is to check the winding. Here are some of the reasons why this brand is so expensive: High-quality materials – Patek Philippe doesn’t use subpar materials. If you want to buy authentic Patek Philippe watches, you can always check

  • How to Choose the Best Swiss Watches for Women Divine Lifestyle

    How to Choose the Best Swiss Watches for Women How to Choose the Best Swiss Watches for Women Watches are often associated with a man’s preference. In this article article, we will give you a quick guide on how to choose Swiss watches for women and what factors you should consider. Just like when you’re shopping for shoes and other clothing, you need to have a checklist when buying the best swiss watches. If you need help checking out the best Swiss watches for women, you can check out

  • Chrysa Duran 155K MARCH 29, 2021
    10 Brilliant Camping Hacks for Your Next Trip

    Instead of packing the car all the way to the top, use a cargo bag to keep your camping gear up on the roof and out of the way. Speaking of throwing random herbs on the fire, forget marinating your steak for hours before you cook it over the fire. You brought the ham, the cheese, the eggs…well, apparently the eggs didn't find your sweet 4×4 off­-road action as fun as your family did. That doesn't sound like a good time, and while it might make for a good family story, you'll be miserable in the meantime trying to figure out what to do.

  • Can’t Miss Things to Do in Atlanta With Kids

    I spent so much of my child­hood going to Braves base­ball games in Atlanta that I was sure that’s what the nation­al anthem meant (“and the home of the … Braves?”). Fam­i­lies also can tour His­toric Ebenez­er Bap­tist Church where King was co-pas­tor, an antique fire sta­tion that once served the area, and the vis­i­tors cen­ter that fea­tures an exhib­it espe­cial­ly for chil­dren. Mountains Hotels near Cen­ten­ni­al Olympic Park, like Hyatt Place or Embassy Suites, are close to the Geor­gia Aquar­i­um and the World of Coca-Cola R. Thomas’s gourmet dish­es are veg­e­tar­i­an-friend­ly, and their kids’ menu is pop­u­lar for offer­ing child­hood sta­ples like peanut

  • Chrysa Duran 155K MARCH 26, 2021
    Target Car Seat Recycling Event: April 5th-17th

    From April 5-17th you can trade in an old cart seat for a *20% off coupon toward a new car seat, car seat base, travel system, stroller or select baby home gear. During the trade-in event Target will accept and recycle all types of car seats, including infant seats, convertible seats, car seat bases, harness or booster car seats and car seats that are expired or damaged. Target will have drop-off boxes for guests’ unwanted car seats located near Guest Services. Since the program launched, Target has recycled more than 1,100,000 car seats, or more than 17 million pounds of plastic and counting.

  • Chrysa Duran 155K MARCH 25, 2021
    DIY Candy Buttons Recipe

    You can use your choice of colors to make themed dots for various holidays, match team colors for a sporting event, use school colors for a graduation party or coordinate with birthday party decor. To make the creation of these candy buttons even easier, we have this handy DIY Candy Buttons Template so that you can place them easily on the page in nice, even rows. If you are using meringue powder, use 1 tbsp meringue powder and 3 tbsp water in place of egg white. If you are using meringue powder, use 1 tbsp meringue powder and 3 tbsp water in place of egg white.

  • Chrysa Duran 155K MARCH 25, 2021
    Crayola Experience National Crayon Day Giveaway – Get a FREE Custom Box of Crayons!

    With the National Crayon Day Giveaway, Crayola Experience is distributing one million crayons at each of their five locations around the country, including the Mall of America. To get your free box, you’ll need to select a date and time to pick up your box and preregister for your timeslot. Time slots begin on March 31, 2021 (National Crayon Day) and run through June 9, 2021. Hi, I'm Chrysa, and I'm here along with my friends Kristi and Laura to share fun and thrifty ways for you and your family to enjoy all the awesome things Minnesota has to offer!

  • T-Mobile Celebrate Young Innovators with the Changemaker Challenge

    For the third year, T-Mobile is asking students to help find solutions to urgent societal and global challenges by offering 13-18 year olds a chance to win up to $15K in seed funding and mentorship through their Changemaker program. ​The T-Mobile Changemaker Challenge is a nationwide contest for youth ages 13 to 18 to share innovative ideas around creating connected, sustainable and informed communities the opportunity to receive seed funding. with 20+ years supporting youth social change ventures) and they are looking for ideas – big or small – that drive social change in these categories: Each of the top 15 teams receives $5k seed funding from the T-Mobile Foundation, three teams (one from each category) will receive an additional $5k and the chance to pitch their idea to T-Mobile executives AND one Grand-Prize-Winning team will be announced during the lab and will win an additional $5k ($15k total) and 1:1 mentorship to help supercharge their project. Submit an entry for the T-Mobile Changemaker Challenge Youth can enter the Challenge at the Changemaker Challenge contest website now through April 8.

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