European Travel


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Want to travel Europe? These blogs will help you find the best Air BNBs, hostels, and everything in between to surviving on your own. Want to travel to tourist destinations? These have those ideas too. Curated from

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European Travel (848)
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  • 33 Fun Indoor Activities To Do In Brisbane On A Rainy Day

    There’s nothing worse than a rainy day to spoil a fun day out in Brisbane, so we have put together a mammoth list of fun indoor activities in Brisbane on rainy days. These include activities to do with kids in Brisbane while it’s raining, activities to do at night or just general things that are fun for all ages, so you won’t let a rainy day spoil your fun in Brisbane. You can find plenty of Brisbane rainy day activities and indoor fun right in the centre of the city, which you can access easily by train, bus or Citycat ferry. In case you need even more rainy activities for Brisbane, check out these family-friendly indoor fun activities:

  • How to make Eierlikör at Home

    Because I buy farm fresh eggs, I don’t usually worry about the eggs (I like to eat cookie dough too… and I’ve been known to run with scissors). If you aren’t certain about your eggs, or you don’t like the idea of raw eggs, please use the recipe from my friend Nadia at Spoonfuls of Germany. Glass Bottle Set with Swing Top Stoppers and Includes Bottle Brush , Funnel and Gold Glass Marker | Liter (6 Pack) ROUND Clear Glass Grolsch Flip Top Bottle With Stopper, for Beverages, Smoothies, Kefir, Beer, Soda, Juicing, Kombucha, Water, Milk, Oil and Vinegar

  • Melissa Conn 7K APRIL 01, 2021
    Cheap Places To Stay On Maui (2021)

    This post may contain affiliate links, for which we earn a small commission at no additional expense to you. You can read our affiliate policy here.

  • How To Clean Your Diamond Engagement Ring Safely At Home

    Today I want to talk about rings and in particular diamond rings. I once worked in a jewellery store and I was always shocked that people do not know that you can clean your precious diamonds at home. Let's face it diamond engagement rings cost a lot of money and they are an investment item If you are maybe in the market for a new ring or an upgrade you need to check out Abelini jewellery, They have a huge range of gorgeous diamond jewellery from diamond engagement rings to earring and necklaces.

  • Laura Dove 227K MARCH 31, 2021
    Spruce up Your Springtime with Levitating Décor from Floately

    Spruce up Your Springtime with Levitating Décor from Floately After a gloomy winter full of lockdown blues, the sun is finally starting to shine again. Smart and chic accessories like the Volta levitating lightbulb and Airsai floating plant pot bring a little levity to life and a lot of fun to springtime decorating. Airsai is a simple yet elegant floating plant pot suitable for any small plant. Levitating décor is also quite affordable right now thanks to Floately’s spring sale.

  • The best dog dental treat on the market.

    Like most Dalmatians Mylo has a sensitive tummy and is on a special diet. So if you are looking for a great online pet shop you need to go and check out  Pet Brands . I also love that I dont have to worry about any sore tummy's from Mylo as these are full of good ingredients and vitamins. If you have a dog with any kind of tummy issues you will know how much you need to read the ingredient list before you can give them to the dog and these pass the test for Mylo.

  • Easter gift guide with something for everyone.

    For easter Pick N Mix London have smashed it out the pack with a fun and super tasty mix of all your favriote easter pink n mix. Pick N Mix London is your one-stop-shop for all you pick and mix needs they offer everything from a pre-picked bag to build your own. Plus these will last a lot longer than any chocolate egg you buy and give hours of fun and play. Plus these will last a lot longer than any chocolate egg you buy and give hours of fun and play.

  • Kalyan Panja 59K MARCH 31, 2021
    19 Best Things to Do in #Wisconsin

    There's plenty to do in Door County, not the least the Whitefish Dunes State Park with a nice little beach and great (if cold by now) swimming. Nothing in history beats sledding,,building a snowman, playing a fast moving, slipping and sliding game of pie tag (chasing each other while having to remain on the stomped down lines of a giant sliced pie configuration in the snow with the center being a safety zone) or trying to track each other’s footprints in the a game called “Fox. The best are high in healthy fats (such as olive oil and wild-caught salmon), proteins, and carbs from non-processed foods - oatmeal, fresh fruits and veggies like butternut squash, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, and citrus fruits that are usually available in the winter and ideal. Has the standard IMAX shows (which if it's the right film works wonders) and good exhibits on the tropical forest, the geologic/environmental/biodiversity evolution of Wisconsin through the ice age, old and diverse Milwaukee (great old-fashioned candy store in there), AND BUTTERFLIES.

  • Eierlikör Torte Recipe – Perfect for Easter or the Kaffeeklatsch

    The original recipe calls for pouring Eierlikör over the whipped cream topped cake (that’s why you put the tufts of cream around the edges, it holds the liqueur in). Also, works as 1/2 cup chocolate chips) 40 gr Chocolate shavings (I just used what was left from a chocolate bar...) Chocolate eggs or Marzipan eggs for Decoration if desired Prepare (I usually just transfer them to another bowl, and use the stand mixing bowl for the next part) Put the Egg Yolks and Sugar into the mixing bowl, and beat at medium speed until they are well combined and look almost white. Lightly Sweetened Whipped Cream goes on the top and sides… smooth with a spatula (an offset spatula is perfect for this, a regular one will do) Sprinkle on the sides of the cake Make sure your fingers are cold… you can tip the cake a bit for a better angle

  • Jenn Zollo 837 MARCH 31, 2021
    Seaspiracy Citations and the Importance of Being an Informed Consumer

    That’s not to say that Seaspiracy is a bunch of bullshit, it’s just to say that the film throws a bunch of information at you and expects you to just take them at their word and not dig deeper. Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 31 Jul. 2009,  Dr. Les Watling & Dr. Elliott Norse, Bottom Trawling Impacts On Ocean, Clearly Visible From Space (2008) (42:40)  University of British Columbia, Marine Protection Targets, An Updated Assessment of Global Progress, Oryx, 2015 (43:46) 

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