The Natural Beauty


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Jamireal B. Epps Created by Jamireal B. Epps SEPTEMBER 01, 2019

This pack is for natural hair beauties who wear there natural locks and photographers and videographers who enjoy them as a subject in their content.

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Apr 14

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Apr 14

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Mar 24

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Jan 12

Ask the Pack
Jan 12

Ask the Pack
Jan 12

Ask the Pack
Jan 12

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Jan 11

Post on Instagram
Aug 17

Post on Instagram
Aug 17

Post on Instagram
Jul 20

Post on Instagram
Apr 08

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Jan 31

Post on Instagram
Sep 28

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Sep 28

Link Swap
Aug 18

Share My Content
Jul 18

Audience 6M
  • 4M
  • 2M
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 61 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 23K
  • 1K
  • Family and Relationships
  • Healthy Living
  • Pop Culture
  • Style & Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Shopping

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

The Natural Beauty (140)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Covergirl Simply Ageless Skin Blurring Serums

    I received the Simply Ageless Skin Blurring Serum, Eye Lift Serum, and the Instant Wrinkle Blurring Pressed Powder. It’s like creating a second layer of skin, but with less fine lines. The Eye Lift Serum helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. The role of the powder is to instantly reduce the look of pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.


    Ať už potřebujete být na druhý den produktivnější v zaměstnání nebo se snažíte zhubnout, být méně ve stresu a mít lepší náladu, zlepšit kvalitu vaší pleti a celkově života. V dnešní, tolik uspěchané, době se čím dál častěji stává, že spánek odsouváme na druhou kolej a přikládáme mu stále menší pozornost. Takže to, že držíme telefon v ruce tak hodinu či dvě před spaním, dokáže v našem těle napáchat celkem pěkný zmatek. U nás většinou platí nedělní to do list na další týden, ale určitě je skvělé si každý den večer

  • Job Alternatives for Unemployed People During COVID-19

    Learning web development skills will help you to fight unemployment because you will have more job opportunities and you will be able to work from home. After graduation, you will have entry-level UX design skills that will help you land your first tech job. Nowadays, people with digital marketing skills help companies not only increase their sales but also provide better services. As shown above, tech talent is in demand, and starting a new tech career will help you to thrive during isolation.

  • Is It Time to Find a New Career Path

    Maybe you’ve found a career path that you are good at, but don’t feel fulfilled or happy in your current workplace. K. H. Queen, writer for the jobs section of the Washington Post, says sometimes the need to change careers is not so much about the job itself, but how you approach it, and that “even a small change can make a big difference”. If you feel stuck in a rut, no longer stimulated by your work, or crave to face new and interesting challenges, a change of careers could be what you need. If you are not completely satisfied with the current state of your work life, you might find that a shift in your career is exactly what you need to turn things around for the best.

  • TAMAR. 44 MARCH 16, 2021
    A conversation with a fragrance founder

    really have the awareness of it until finally, like, I hit a rock bottom, basically due to other things and kind of external influences, that kind of like really seized my depression and made it a lot worse. But I’m curious to know if you have that defining moment where it all comes together and that’s sort of where you’re coming from with your philosophical approach toward the fragrance that you’ve had and where all that comes from because I assume that there is like there is an adversity story that kind of defines you, your “start with why” as Simon Sinek, the author, says in his book like your Why. But this woman was was actually mulling over, like these social acquaintances that we kind of have, like, for example, when you’re on line at Starbucks Almost in a way, I regret having to let myself be vulnerable and exploited like this, but if I wasn’t like that, I would just be like somebody who’s a woman who wakes up, goes to work, go to bed, does her thing and now, I mean, we all do that.

  • Lucy Mitchell 27K MARCH 13, 2021
    Sunset Desires: 4 Ways to Make Your Money Work for You

    Money doesn’t just grow on trees, and if you want more of it to buy the latest fashions or have more great holidays, you need to find ways to make more of it. You need to think about plenty of things when you are going to buy a holiday rental property. This means that if you want to make sure that your money works for you, you will need to take the time to learn how to invest. Money is something that you need in your life, but it is something that you also need to learn to make it work for you.

  • How Groupon Helped Me Build My Wine Collection

    If you are going to have a collection of wine, why not get them from different countries, right? If it’s been your dream to start a wine collection, but not sure how to start, keep reading! Now my collection contains wines from at least 10 different countries, including Spain, Australia, Argentina, France, and Italy. My husband always knew that I wanted to build my wine collection because I wouldn’t stop mentioning it to him.

  • Lucy Mitchell 27K MARCH 10, 2021
    Sunset Desires: 10 Lockdown Activities to Inspire Creativity

    Colouring and drawing have been known to have therapeutic effects so if you are feeling stressed out, let your creativity flow by drawing something fun and unique or let yourself zone out and colour in a picture in a colouring book. Maybe you could pick a household item like a piece of furniture to turn it into something completely different or, for a more simple activity, why not create some book art ? I used Book Art by Clare Youngs which has step-by-step instructions on numerous amounts of book art projects. I need to get that book out again and try something else as it was definitely a fun activity.

  • Yazmin Basa 11K MARCH 10, 2021
    Gift Ideas for Mother's Day

    My name is Yazmin, and I’m here to help you find better ways to take care of yourself using self care strategies that have helped me thrive. Whether it’s overcoming procrastination, rediscovering wellness, actively taking care of your mental health, and reaching those dreams you have in your heart. Join our social media community or write your comments when you want to share a piece of your mind. We are always creating content beyond this blog through e-books, wellness journals, self-care kits, and other great tools that can be your great daily companion.

  • TAMAR. 44 MARCH 09, 2021
    From addiction to rehabilitation

    The year like when I like when everything comes [together], 2015 is like the big pinnacle point. Like it was just like somebody just like you just fell and splat. So I’m like, then, I feel like the universe is like shouting at me now, like you’re either going to do this. Like I would like to know what that feels like and experience.

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