San Francisco Events


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Alisa Cherkashina Created by Alisa Cherkashina OCTOBER 17, 2019 hosts the most unusual educational lectures, art courses, and nightlife events in all of San Francisco. This is a place for creators, startup founders, geeks, influencers, videographers, and other creative thinkers.


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Oct 17

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San Francisco Events (8)
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  • People We Meet: Stop and look around

    In Chan Kajaal Park on 17th Street between Shotwell and Folsom streets, Rafael Sanabria plucked at a virtual keyboard on his phone and listened to a live radio broadcast in Spanish. Sanabria thought he had been called in to work at a roofing company, but the job was rescheduled for tomorrow. This area has changed a lot; it’s cleaner and nicer now,” he said. Though he’s lived in the Mission for only three years, the changes have been dramatic, he said.

  • 125K OCTOBER 16, 2019
    a country home in belgium. / sfgirlbybay

    i always love anything that Holly Marder and Hedda Pier of Avenue Design Studio puts their very talented hands on, so i was excited to come across a feature from 2017 (how did i miss this!?) it’s the beautiful Belgium country home of founder, Liza van der Stouwe of atelier rozijntjes and her family. the country home has some beautiful bones, including those gorgeous tile floors, but they’ve definitely added real charm to it with their eclectic collections. for the full tour you can visit a wonderful behind the scenes look at avenue lifestyle and the original feature on vtwonen.

  • Artists ready themselves for open studios — a chance to gain more exposure

    This year’s San Francisco Open Studios is set to kick off in the Mission District on the weekend of  Oct. 26, and the 93 artists who fill the studios at 1890 Bryant St. will include 12 new participants who have recently taken up residence in the five-story building between Mariposa and 17th streets. A lot of people want in the building, and it’s hard to find space in the building at this point,” said Paul Morin, who has been renting an 800-square-foot studio in the building for the past 12 years. It begins with a preview reception on Friday, Oct. 25, from 6 to 9 p.m. and is followed on Saturday and Sunday with studios open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Space is so difficult to get at 1890 Bryant that some of the larger spaces have been subdivided into small cubicles. Li decided to dive full time into her jewelry business seven years ago and hopes that her tenure at the Bryant artist studios can teach her to grow her craft.

  • Snap: A girl with her head in her hands

    I’ve been a Mission resident since 1998 and a professor at Berkeley’s J-school since 1990. My earlier career was at The New York Times working for the business, foreign and city desks. My Master’s Project at Columbia, later published in New York Magazine, was on New York City’s experiment in community boards. Right now I'm trying to figure out how you make that long-held interest sustainable.

  • Workers at Mission Neighborhood Health Center say clinic not paying them enough — and hit the streets

    Workers at Mission Neighborhood Health Center, a nonprofit organization that provides healthcare services to low-income patients, hit the streets today. At this afternoon’s action outside of the clinic’s main health center at 240 Shotwell St., near 16th and South Van Ness, dozens of health workers put on red union shirts, grabbed signs and picketed on the sidewalk for more than an hour. Former District 11 Supervisor John Avalos, who now works for the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW), is representing the healthcare workers, whom he rallied during the lunch hour on Tuesday. Mission Neighborhood Health Center’s second clinic lies in his district, near Mission and Francis Street in the Excelsior.

  • 125K OCTOBER 16, 2019
    instagram worthy: @ideat_magazine. / sfgirlbybay

    this week’s instagram worthy account comes from one of my favorite french decor magazines, ideat. if you love cosmopolitan design, vagabond travel and avant-garde decor you’re going to love following @ideat_magazine. you can expect to see a steady stream of inspiring ideas, beautiful photography and a good dose of wanderlust-worthy imagery — all the colorful, bohemian, effortlessly eclectic and unexpected decor the french are famous for. and if you like their Instagram feed, there’s probably a good chance ideat will become one of your favorite magazines, too.

  • Dueling mental health reform plans emerge, as workers and patients claim victory at Behavioral Health Center

    Assuming you’ve heard at all of the Adult Residential Facility, a 55-bed center for the severely mentally ill, you likely became informed of its existence in August, when the mayor and Department of Public Health proposed its essential dissolution via a plan to turn 41 permanent residential beds into temporary shelter. Following a fierce backlash led by the facility’s unionized workers and semi-competing ordinances written, respectively, by Supervisor Rafael Mandelman and Supervisors Hillary Ronen and Matt Haney, the Adult Residential facility won’t be contracted. Mediated negotiations between these parties regarding Haney and Ronen’s proposed reboot of the Department of Public Health have veered into the ditch; the mayor, via the Chronicle, notified the public — and the supervisors and this city It is not clear if the mayor will sign off on a solution involving the voters or if Supervisors Ronen and Haney will sign off on a solution not involving the voters — though Ronen assured me that if the mayor’s proposals are good and solid, she’s all ears:

  • Snap: Three perfect plants on Lexington

    I’ve been a Mission resident since 1998 and a professor at Berkeley’s J-school since 1990. My earlier career was at The New York Times working for the business, foreign and city desks. My Master’s Project at Columbia, later published in New York Magazine, was on New York City’s experiment in community boards. Right now I'm trying to figure out how you make that long-held interest sustainable.

  • Compromise reached to save Adult Residential Facility, which mayor and Health Department had moved to gut

    The deal to preserve the long-term residential center for the seriously mentally ill was reached after negotiations between several unions, the mayor’s office, the Department of Public Health, and the offices of Supervisors Hillary Ronen and Matt Haney. That’s a far cry from the mood in the summer, when the mayor and health department proposed moving the lion’s share of the 32 remaining Adult Residential Facility patients upstairs to the Residential Care for the Elderly facility, and folding 41 ARF beds into the Hummingbird homeless respite center, also on-site at the San Francisco General Hospital campus. And, in fact, three days after Mission Local’s Sept. 2 article about management’s “probation” claims, state licensing personnel dropped by Potrero Street unannounced and “explained” to top managers “that the facility is not on probation and not restricted to not admit residents;” • In addition to preserving the Adult Residential Facility and keeping most of its 32 current residents on-site, key points of this deal will be additional training for staff; the hiring of more staffers — and higher-level staffers more capable of administering medications — and the formation of a working group populated by both management and workers from the Behavioral Health Center to report to the Board of Supervisors.

  • 125K OCTOBER 15, 2019
    fresh vintage from france! / sfgirlbybay

    i’m very excited to announce our latest shipment of vintage finds from the flea markets of france have arrived at super marché. we shopped for these this summer and i’m always so anxious waiting for them to cross the sea and finally arrive, but they are here oh la la — and some wonderful tabletop pieces (latte, anyone?), and an array of unique vintage furniture, and, as always, if there’s something special you’re looking for from france, do let me know.

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