The deal to preserve the long-term residential center for the seriously mentally ill was reached after negotiations between several unions, the mayor’s office, the Department of Public Health, and the offices of Supervisors Hillary Ronen and Matt Haney.
That’s a far cry from the mood in the summer, when the mayor and health department proposed moving the lion’s share of the 32 remaining Adult Residential Facility patients upstairs to the Residential Care for the Elderly facility, and folding 41 ARF beds into the Hummingbird homeless respite center, also on-site at the San Francisco General Hospital campus.
And, in fact, three days after Mission Local’s Sept. 2 article about management’s “probation” claims, state licensing personnel dropped by Potrero Street unannounced and “explained” to top managers “that the facility is not on probation and not restricted to not admit residents;”
In addition to preserving the Adult Residential Facility and keeping most of its 32 current residents on-site, key points of this deal will be additional training for staff; the hiring of more staffers — and higher-level staffers more capable of administering medications — and the formation of a working group populated by both management and workers from the Behavioral Health Center to report to the Board of Supervisors.