Self reflection, inner work, efforts to raise consciousness and depth and clarity of perception, to serve society in an authentic sense, carry little value.
A dangerously polarized world unable to understand or empathize with the perspective of others, a wholesale disconnect from the natural world and the interdependence between personal/social/economic well being and healthy ecosystems, and a devaluation of the pursuit of truth, be it empirical scientific or matters of the heart and human relationships.
An aspiration and priority for a broader epistemology must be firmly established in the education culture and society at large, one that honors, supports and validates intuitive creativity, visioning, play, meditation, reflective discussion (ongoing), service, critical thinking, and the aspiration to truth.
Through enlightened charter schools, independent schools, un-schooling, home school groups, teacher development, curricular models, town meetings, blogs, film, music, theater, media and much more, we can all contribute to helping to create a more enlightened society through education.