ESG Influencers


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

KPMG Created by KPMG JUNE 14, 2022

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Jun 17

Audience 2M
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    This Pack includes 3 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

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Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

ESG Influencers (18)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 29, 2021
    Repairing the Hudson Valley

    That old tale, arising not from folk but from corporate interests, said that unlimited growth and soaring GDP is the measure of economic health and community wellbeing; that a rising stock market protects us, no matter how rundown our neighborhoods; that deregulation stimulates investment, even as climate destabilizing emissions rise; and that national security need only focus on existential threats beyond our borders, and not on quality of life and preservation of civil liberties. By acting now with foresight and hard work, we can care for each other, reinvesting in people and the land, creating a future for the Hudson Valley that emphasizes the Permaculture principles of Care of the Earth, Care of People, and Fair share of resources. While it is true that there is little that small communities can do to independently reverse climate change, there are many things these same communities can do to mitigate the climate crisis in their area as it unfolds, and to future-proof themselves against climate chaos. A few practical repair ideas: community flood proofing in preparation for climate chaos, implementation of drought resistant landscaping, institutionalization of green building practices, zoning against development in climate disaster-prone floodplains, the installation of redundant stormproof energy systems, the establishment of community-wide food security, and the creation of damage control centers equipped to deal with sudden disasters

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 29, 2021
    Sustainable Hudson Valley

    Self reflection, inner work, efforts to raise consciousness and depth and clarity of perception, to serve society in an authentic sense, carry little value. A dangerously polarized world unable to understand or empathize with the perspective of others, a wholesale disconnect from the natural world and the interdependence between personal/social/economic well being and healthy ecosystems, and a devaluation of the pursuit of truth, be it empirical scientific or matters of the heart and human relationships. An aspiration and priority for a broader epistemology must be firmly established in the education culture and society at large, one that honors, supports and validates intuitive creativity, visioning, play, meditation, reflective discussion (ongoing), service, critical thinking, and the aspiration to truth. Through enlightened charter schools, independent schools, un-schooling, home school groups, teacher development, curricular models, town meetings, blogs, film, music, theater, media and much more, we can all contribute to helping to create a more enlightened society through education.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 18, 2021
    Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

    The burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity results in huge carbon emissions that heat the planet, leading to the greenhouse effect. You don’t have to go vegetarian, simply reducing your red meat intake to a couple of days a week can have a huge impact on the environment. Each serving of red meat you eat increases your carbon footprint by at least 20 times and 100 times the land use compared to the same serving of vegetables. You can help break the cycle by reducing clothes shopping, buying second-hand, avoiding fast-fashion brands and purchasing natural fiber clothing.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 17, 2021
    Is It Safe To Use Herbs On Daily Basis?

    Moreover, ginger has been used to relieve morning sickness and sage for sore throat, and kratom for pain relief for the longest time. Five Healing Herbs to Safely Use Daily Since you already know that there is no reason not to use herbs daily, let’s get you familiarized with the top five healing herbs. As such, the common conditions that garlic treats are: You should try garlic if you suffer from traveler’s diarrhea. Two varieties of it, like Spanish sage and common sage, effectively reduce high cholesterol and sugar in the blood.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 17, 2021
    Cool New Eco-Friendly Cars That Aren't Teslas

    A full electric car can go the equivalent of 100 miles to the gallon, while a hybrid can go approximately 40 miles per gallon of gasoline. It costs more than its gas-powered counterpart by approximately $6,000 but offers fuel efficiency of 46 miles per gallon compared to the 30 miles per gallon the traditional model offers. However, there is also a hybrid version available more widely that can travel up to 47 miles on battery power and costs about $3,000 less than the EV. Compared to the Honda Accord Hybrid, the Toyota Camry Hybrid LE is smaller and more expensive, starting at about $28,000.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 17, 2021
    How to Create the Best Version of Yourself Through Green Living

    Who doesn’t want to come home to a clean, organized home after a long day at work? Old tee-shirts can do the trick, so don’t feel like you have to rush out and buy brand new ones, either. You can avoid the nasty carbon footprint of hauling those bananas across the country and try new recipes featuring local, in-season food from within your own community. While many of these people are trying to do their very best (and sadly hide their addiction behind shame), they still aren’t quite getting where they want to be in life.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 10, 2021
    Eco Home Makeover: 5 Energy-Saving Tips for Green Living

    However, there are numerous ways to reduce your home’s carbon footprint, from upgrading your HVAC system to investing in renewable energy to diligently recycling. The electricity captured is then fed into an inverter located within the solar panel, transforming raw electricity into an alternating current that home appliances can utilize. By adding solar panels to your home, you can significantly reduce your monthly electric bill in addition to greenhouse gas emissions. Replace old appliances with energy-efficient ones New, innovative, green-based technology has made energy-efficient appliances readily available for consumers everywhere.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 10, 2021
    Volvo Launches New Fully Electric C40 Recharge Luxury Vehicle

    The C40 Recharge is Volvo’s newest addition to the Recharge line of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. It’s the next step in Volvo’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and be a fully electric car company by 2030. On the outside, the C40 Recharge flashes state-of-the-art pixel-technology headlights, a lower roof line and is available in a variety of colors and deco options. The car company is also fundamentally changing the way customers shop by making all fully electric vehicles available online only.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 09, 2021
    Top Eco-friendly Hacks That Every Swimming Pool Owner Must Know

    To prevent this situation, you need a set of eco-friendly tricks and hacks that you may use to conserve your environment while taking care of your swimming pool. Now that you have plenty of alarming threats, let’s quickly walk you through the eco-friendly hacks for your pool maintenance! If not, then you should immediately start applying eco-friendly strategies to take care of your swimming pool. With the above-mentioned eco-friendly hacks, you sure now know how to keep your swimming pool clean and well-maintained all year round.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 09, 2021
    Exploring Green and Eco-Friendly Funeral and End of Life Options

    A closed casket, natural burial, biodegradable casket, aquamation and digital services significantly reduce burials’ negative environmental impacts. An eco-friendly alternative to this form of decomposition is natural burials, which place bodies in the Earth in a shroud or a biodegradable casket. Family members may view this burial process as an insensitive form of decomposition, but many opt for natural burials before death. Eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and utilizing the body to support Earth’s life is a cyclical way to honor the planet.

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