The lips have less melanin, the pigment that absorbs UV radiation, and are therefore at a higher risk of burning than the other parts of your body," explains Boston dermopathologist Gretchen Frieling, M. D.
That means that along with painful burns, skin cancer can also pop up your lips and, fun fact alert, the lower lip is 12 times more likely to be affected by skin cancer than the top lip.
Seek out a lip balm with a broad-spectrum SPF 30 at least, suggests Dr. Frieling, just as you would with any kind of face product.
Most glosses don't contain SPF, and the shiny finish attracts sunlight and makes it easier for UV rays to penetrate the skin, adds Dr. Frieling.
With an SPF 30 (thank you, zinc oxide) the ultra-hydrating Thrive Market Coconut Lip Balm SPF 30