Interesting Pets


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.


Instagram accounts dedicated to weird and interesting and unique pets. Examples include (not limited to): Lizards, Chinchillas, Bunnies, Goats, Ponies, etc. If you like the non-traditional pet, you're in the right place.

Post on Instagram
Aug 25

Post on Instagram
Aug 25

Ask the Pack
Jul 12

Join a Focus Group
Jul 09

Endorse a Product
Mar 05

Custom Collab
Oct 03

Be a Consultant for Me
Jul 31

Custom Collab
Jun 04

Audience 5M
  • 4M
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 6 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 2K
  • 10
  • No categories for me, yet!

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Interesting Pets (45)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • TOP 10 Questions About Our OLD WORLD Kitchen

    Kitchen Questions and Answers TOP 10 Questions About Our OLD WORLD Over the years I’ve received so many questions, so after last week’s spring kitchen tour, it’s time for Kitchen Questions and Answers, the top 10 Questions about our Old World Kitchen. I hope you enjoy this video as I’ll be taking the best paint colors, how to clean copper, and details about our future plans.

  • Spring Farmhouse Kitchen

    Spring Farmhouse Kitchen | FRENCH KITCHEN TOUR Full of before and afters here’s a look at my spring farmhouse kitchen with a full, visual French kitchen tour. I’m constantly looking for new, old-world inspiration and lovely French kitchens… British Kitchens, It’s farmhouse spring decor 2021 in my spring farmhouse kitchen.


    In this video I’m sharing a look at a mom of six morning routine and my thoughts on routine VS schedule in our ‘old world home’. We keep a similar pace day in and day out here on the farm, but it’s not rigid, because setting up a rigid schedule would simply set me, as the homemaker, up for failure and frustration. Sort of my life day in the life stay at home mom videos but with a closer look ‘homemaker chic’ mom of six morning routine and my thoughts on routine VS schedule

  • Tiffany Romito 5K FEBRUARY 08, 2021
    Lessons in Letting Go

    I see myself as an empathetic person, meaning I can truly understand what’s causing certain behaviors or aspects within a person or situation. Finally, with self-care and mindful practice, I’ve learned a few lessons in letting go of what doesn’t serve you, appreciate you, or fully deserve your attention & love. Here are some lessons I’ve personally experienced that may help or at least give some insight on what we can do to fully let go of the negative aspects in our life & make room for all the abundance of love we deserve: I think the temporary joy I feel comes from a place of also trying to find outside outlets to make me happy.

  • Winter Greenhouse Ideas

    I’m looking for some winter greenhouse ideas for our big conservatory makeover that’s on the schedule, but first I. need to plant succulents and fuss with my doors for the OUTdoor greenhouse coming this summer. I need all the winter greenhouse ideas! Jonna Jinton may be able to love the winter, but my affection for it is lovingly mild:). For more old world design ideas and to join the Old World Design Society visit: And stay tuned for the conservatory makeover and the design of the OUT door greenhouse… if I convince the hubs we need to make it happen!

  • Homemaker Chic Podcast, Season 5, Episode 1 “Choose Your Hard” Trailer

    Join us on Apple, Spotify, Google, and more every Monday and Thursday for the Homemaker Chic Podcast. How much chaos and frustration do we bring into our homemaking by choosing the WRONG hard? choose your hard” and why it’s vital for the art of homemaking. BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS so settle in with a glass of Dry Farms and don’t forget to tag us when you beg Monty to be on the show!

  • The Side of My Office Never Shown

    Does Mirror Paint Work | OLD SALVAGED DOORS | Antique Mirror DIY I’m sharing an antique mirror DIY with you today and we’ll find out… does mirror paint work? I’ve found some old salvaged French doors and they are perfect for the side of my office never shown! If you LOVE the old world look seen on this channel then be SURE to join my brand new Old World Design Society for its Winter 2021 Session.

  • Tiffany Romito 5K JANUARY 26, 2021
    The queen of procrastination

    I’ve been able to continue my work for other popular websites, such as BpHope, but mostly because it’s deadline driven. I attached the image in the beginning of this post to remind myself that it truly doesn’t matter if you’re rich, popular, or perfect. It truly is about being humble, sharing our experiences & hopefully maybe touching the life of another human being other than yourself. And know that life is so much more than appearing perfect for the world to see.

  • Tiffany Romito 5K DECEMBER 11, 2020
    Illusions of love

    How can starting Farmerish be more important than finding out I’m pregnant? The messages from strangers, people I know dearly, and even random acquaintances over the years have piled into my inbox. I know by putting myself out there also lets a lot of people with darker intentions into my life, however. I can’t let people into my life that aren’t going to return the same investment that I would do for them.

  • Tiffany Romito 5K DECEMBER 08, 2020
    Raging Hormones

    If anyone ever wants to start a blog, which it’s fairly easy to do, you have to remember to be consistent. Having bipolar disorder doesn’t help either. After I had gotten ready I received a text from her cancelling, saying she wasn’t feeling up for it. I looked back at the message and I realized it wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with me it

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