Non-traditional Healthcare


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A place for passionate professionals and influencers on finding ways to better the health in every community. We are about educating individuals on how to personalize their health health goals to their personal fitness goals and lifestyle goals. We want to get away from leading everyone to drugs and surgery. An individual's health is better when they are educated in the different options of taking care of their body and then empowered to be able to implement the new health goals or lifestyle. Our common topics are non-pharmaceutical pain relief, healthy performance enhancement techniques, injury prevention care, and health education.

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Non-traditional Healthcare (6)
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  • Top Reasons Why Athletes Take Creatine Supplements

    Creatine supplements have become popular among athletes as it is legal and is not considered performance-enhancing drugs, unlike other enhancement supplements. Aside from being legal, creatine supplements also provide a lot of benefits for their performance and health while being confident that they are taking a safe supplement. If you have experienced injuries, taking creatine supplements will speed up your recovery time for your next training or competition. Water retention has been seen in athletes using a creatine supplement, which helps them hyper-hydrate, especially to those participating in high-intensity sports such as soccer, football, and basketball.

  • Total Body Core Blasting Quad Blasting Workout

    Grinding exercises are 12 reps, ballistics are 10 reps or timed (depending on the exercise.) what’s wrong with you? and B) you can probably get away with doing this entire routine using kettlebells, dumbbells, and the medicine ball. The hamstrings get a good amount of work from the swings, cleans, bent over row, and deadlifts as well, as do the lats. The multiple squatting exercises give your quads a good burn, and the moving from station to station without much rest in-between creates an incredibly tiring circuit.

  • Workout Schedule for Beginners at Home

    Every time you get up to use the bathroom you do 1-5 pull ups (the prescribed number of reps will vary based on your current max.) If you can do 5 pull ups the 1-5 range would work, and you should vary the number to not let your body get used to a specific number (for example, you can do 4 reps without issue If the doorway and pillow case were larger you could teep and knee it as well (kicking would probably be awkward, depending on the year of your house and how wide the doorway opening is.) If you’ve got a belt you can loop it over the bar in your doorway and do lots of things (suspension lunges and 1 arm / 1 leg mode would be tricky, but you can still do biceps, triceps, back, assisted squats / lunges and probably some other things I can think of at the moment) Loop said belt through a suitcase or gym bag and fill it with books (or sand in a trash bag if you have sand, or rocks.)

  • Padholding without a Pad Holder

    After my “tie some pads to a tree” test, I determined having a kick shield #ad (or multiple kick shields) would make more sense. With just the thai pads on each side of the tree (like in the photo at the top) you end up throwing teeps on an actual tree, which when you’re in a public park, may be frowned upon by park goers. My gym currently has a 6 foot banana bag on a Titan Heavy Bag Stand, a Spar Bar, and a tennis ball tied to a string. just trying to do cardio (although the swinging helps with cognition, timing, and angles so it’s a positive thing outside of just trying to burn calories.)

  • Utilizing Muay Thai Drills For Different Practical Applications

    You punch them in the face, they go left, you step with them right, and punch them in the face again. I took the step out for an intro combo and added a left kick. I like the left kick here for any scenario as you’d still be controlling the ring if the opponent from above decided to go right after going left. After the right punch you can snap that left kick up really quick, switch step into a more powerful left kick, or even step away from the bag with your right to open up those hips and get the same type kick you would from the switch step.

  • Core Training with 2 Kettlebells

    Here, we’re going to be cleaning 2 kettlebells up to the chest at the same time then utilize principles from StrongFirst regarding tension to keep the body safe / get the most bang for the buck. Holding 2 bells in the racked position at the same time will also change the stress and load on the body compared to a single bell rack. A single bell rack creates “anti rotation” as you prevent your body from trying to bend to either side due to the uneven weight load. The double rack puts an even load on both sides, which helps transition the exercise from more of a side ab to total ab workout (as now both sides are attempting to stabilize you while the “main abs” are also firing to keep you standing upright.)

  • Medicine Ball HIIT Routine

    You don’t need to lunge across the room like she does in the video above, just forward lunge, rotate over the forward knee (keeping a vertical shin and fully extended arms), then push through your heel to activate the hamstring (one of those muscles we always forget about in modern society) to return to standing. If you wanted to work power and had something to throw at you could chest pass here, the slower you move through this movement the more you’re going to work those shoulder stabilization muscles that may be neglected. Get in a ready / active state, bring the ball up overhead with a slight bend at the elbows, then swing the ball down, watch it bounce, catch, bring back up, rinse and repeat. I had thought about doing a sandbag clean to squat here, and you could technically do the lunge with rotation as a sandbag clean to lunge to twist as well (if you wanted to substitute a piece of gear)

  • Mercedes Moore 19K OCTOBER 20, 2020
    Winter Skincare Routine

    n’t have the money to go spending $50 on one small thing of moisturizer which is why I appreciate how affordable their products are as well. The Advanced Peptides and Collagen Moisturizer is a double-action peptide cream made to visibly soften and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. My favorite is the Advanced Peptides and Collagen Eye Cream. The double-action eye cream visibly smooths the look of even the deepest wrinkles and crow’s feet for more youthful eyes.

  • Cardio Kickboxing Defensive Maneuvers for Ab Workouts

    My current timer setting for newer clients is 2 minutes of work and 2 minutes of rest. This one is a bit less natural in terms of weight shifts, although it is a common drill to fire back a kick with the same side you shield block with (left shield, foot barely touches ground, left kick) so the left punch will give you that same feeling. Left slip with forward step, right slip, left slip with forward step, right knee When slipping to the left you can take a small step with that left foot to move you closer to your opponent. You can do these with any HIIT timer, an equal work to rest ratio timer, traditional 3 or 5 minute round timers, or even use this as LISS.

  • Total Body Tabata ish Circuit

    Did I use the actual tabata timer definition (20 seconds on 10 seconds off) for this routine? If you don’t have a landmine attachment (or portable landmine, Olympic bar, and plates in your space) substitute with any squat variation you have the gear for (or can make gear for.) still learning take a PVC pipe or long broom and touch it to your head, upper back, and butt then hinge maintaining contact at all 3 points stopping when you lose contact anywhere instead of lifting weight) Walk looking forward, clench your non working hand (in this case the right hand) to add a bit of tension and strength overall to your body.

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