Sarah King

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I’m Sarah King, a Health At Every Size (HAES) Exercise Physiologist and health coach.

Science, not trends is the foundation of my approach. By nourishing the body and mind with scientific facts we can build foundations for a life of realness, not just wellness.

That might sound like a lot, but what I do is actually quite simple:

To help women un-learn toxic diet culture and provide a science-backed, holistic approach to mental and physical wellness that will last a lifetime.

Through my own journey with an eating disorder, I discovered Intuitive Eating, which gave me the body freedom I had been searching for through endless other approaches.

As I learned to listen and honour my body, I realised that I needed to share this method with the world — so here we are! I’m pretty bloody excited to empower others to reclaim confidence in their own bodies.

I don’t believe in one-size fits all for anything. Which is why I offer 1 to 1 coaching, PTs and an 6-week course, all done either online or in person. It’s all about what works for you, which means doing not what is easiest or instant, but what is right.

Member Since NOVEMBER 11, 2019
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