Intense Exercise


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These fitness buffs never shy away from a challenge!

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    This Pack includes 20 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

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Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Intense Exercise (46)
Member Audience Pack Score

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  • Becky Willis 6K MARCH 29, 2021
    5 Things You MUST Spring Clean in 2021

    I know it isn’t just our house – the past twelve months have left so many things feeling “ick”, right? Listen, you’re a busy parent juggling virtual school, working from home, keeping up online social connections. In this house, we are fans of trying to be as non-reliant on chemicals as we can be, but let’s be honest – with 6 humans, 2 fur babies, and the occassional frogs, cave crickets, and snails inhabiting our rooms, sometimes we do need to clean with more than water and our elbow grease. We need cleaners ready to tackle these messes, so we’re armed with two stain fighters (Biz and KidsNPets) that help speed up the stain fighting process.

  • 19 Healthy Almond Butter Dessert Recipes -

    However, I realize the value in creating some great healthy almond butter desserts so that I can keep my portions in check. ’re more of a cook here is a round up of healthy almond butter dessert recipes to satisfy every craving. I feel like adding almond butter makes everything a little sweeter and suddenly breakfast can start to feel like dessert! Almond Butter Banana Coconut Pancakes by Nutrition Nut on the Run Have some food intolerance issues like me?

  • Understanding the Core

    — Helps to contract the body to curl upper body down or lower body up, helps to raise legs Transverse Abdominus Lies beneath your other muscles and Stronger hip flexors mean raising your knee higher and more power in your stride Lower back (made of 3 muscles) Keep your spine stable and allow you to bend backwards Running can help to improve the endurance our core muscles, but the truth is we need to be doing external work to truly get the benefits we’re looking for. Now that we know our abs are so much more than a six pack (and that while most want to be able to see abs, they serve an important purpose), let’s put it all together with a workout you can do prior to your next run.

  • Angela Gillis 6K MARCH 24, 2021
    Workouts for the week: trying new workouts, run training, and why I use the Peloton digital app

    I started just using it for my bike to supplement my workouts when I stopped teaching my indoor cycle classes. I love group fitness workouts because I didn’t have to think about programming; someone else did the work for me. If you don’t know, I’m in training for a virtual 10K (Austin Statesmen Cap 10K) because I haven’t covered mileage during the pandemic. I am excited to be gaining some mileage back safely to be ready to run a half marathon when I want to run a race.

  • Peeing While Running

    Whether you have stress incontinence which is something like you cough and whoops leak a little or urge incontinence which is more like thinking you always need to go, there are things that can help! Pelvic floor exercises are a big way to help start retraining that hold it in tool set (along with core and hip and glute, all working together). Don’t feel like you must drink a ton while running as long as you start out hydrated. Whether it’s runner’s diarrhea or even the chafing in unmentionable places, these runner issues are common.

  • Virtual Half Marathon Training Group

    This is your chance to get training plans, access to 5 running coaches and a supportive training club. Access to the 30 Day Core Challenge (10 minutes a day for injury prevention and core work) Free access to my Low Heart Rate Training Plans (half and marathon) Inside the group you will have access to some of our standard plans for 5K, 10, Half marathon!

  • Becky Willis 6K MARCH 17, 2021
    The Pittsburgh Potty (That Wasn't)

    In my grandparents’ home in Wilmerding, I remember that it was right in the middle of the floor, but at some point my Pap had put walls up and a shower curtain (I think, or at least that is what I want to remember). In our home in Tarentum, it sat on a pedestal of cement, a true gem of a throne where if you used it (we did not because it was disgusting), you were wide in the open to the hair salon station that also graced that basement (not a Pittsburgh thing). And nearby to our current home, my parents’ Ford City house had one along one of the basement walls – right out in the open, too. The Happy Ending for our Pittsburgh Potty Thankfully, plumbing in Pittsburgh has come a long way and we were able to cement up that nasty situation and get the bathroom of my dreams, but you’ll have to keep an eye out on my lifestyle blog to find out exactly how that ended up.

  • 17 Delicious Protein Packed Post Workout Smoothies

    1 cup unsweetened organic Silk Soymilk, 1/2 banana, 1 cup kale, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup red cabbage, vanilla stevia Cranberry Orange Smooth Moves Vitamin C to boost the immune system! Ok this is an extra tasty protein packed recovery drink 1 frozen banana, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 cup unsweetened Silk soymilk, 1/4 cup Love Grown Oats { 1/2 frozen banana, 3/4 cup unsweetened Vanilla Silk Almond milk, 1 cup kale, 1 cup water, Vanilla protein powder Summer Bright Taking advantage of the bounty of fresh summer fruits to replenish glycogen after a marathon long run training session. Coconut Chai Protein Smoothie from FitFoodieFinds Peanutbutter Smoothie from Vega Orange Creamsicle Smoothie from A Whisk and Two Wands Almond Java Chip Smoothie from Sarah K Hoffman Skinny Pumpkin Pie smoothie from Amy’s healthy Baking (add protein powder or hemp seeds) Cookies and Cream Smoothie 31 Fall Flavored Smoothies

  • Angela Gillis 6K MARCH 16, 2021
    Week of workouts: training for a 10k, Peloton digital workouts, and getting back into routine

    Peloton 10 min warm-up walk + 30 min walk and run + I did the walk/run at a much faster pace than the previous week, but I was losing salt very quickly. I like to do two strength workouts during the week, but I will also focus on some upper body stuff and my core workouts. My focus for this week: more strength workouts, getting more quality sleep, and continuing building my weekly mileage with more bits of running.

  • Training Status Unproductive

    Garmin Training Load and Polar Cardio Load are designed to help runners prevent over training and take in to account their sleep recovery, but should they really be guiding you? Training load is usually looking at the impact of a single workout and with all the technology in GPS watches it now takes in to account HR , VO2 Max, sleep and the type of workout to determine the load, which then goes in to calculating the overall training status your watch displays. Cardio Load Status uses your average daily load from the past 28 days Let’s breakdown the Garmin Training Statuses. Suunto watches give you a number of scores from sleep quality to fitness level (VO2 Max), but don’t give the same training load daily updates.

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