California Travel Influencers


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Alexa Meisler Created by Alexa Meisler Advisor JANUARY 05, 2019

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Audience 4M
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    This Pack includes 34 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

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Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

California Travel Influencers (57)
Member Audience Pack Score

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  • Best Things To Do In Kennywood for Families!

    The Steel Cur­tain roller coast­er is locat­ed in Steel­ers Coun­try in Ken­ny­wood, the first ever theme park area and coast­er to be named after a pro­fes­sion­al sports fran­chise, specif­i­cal­ly the Pitts­burgh Steelers. There’s anoth­er area called Kid­dieland, which is devot­ed to clas­sic attrac­tions for lit­tle ones like a mer­ry-go-round. Found­ed in 1898, the Monon­ga­hela Street Rail­way Com­pa­ny leased a pop­u­lar pic­nic site, Ken­ny’s Grove, from Charles Ken­ny in order to open a trol­ley park to encour­age peo­ple to use the com­pa­ny’s trol­ley cars. If you’d like to stay clos­er to down­town Pitts­burgh, the Fair­mount is arguably the nicest hotel in Pitts­burgh, that’s actu­al­ly where celebri­ties usu­al­ly stay when they are in town film­ing movies!

  • How to make giant bubbles: the best DIY recipe for huge bubbles!

    Make the best homemade giant bubbles solution with this recipe and step-by-step instructions for how to make huge bubbles! How to use a giant bubble wand with this recipe If you're using a tri-string bubble wand like the DIY ones below, here are easy step-by-step instructions for making an impressive giant bubble: This giant bubble recipe makes a solution that gets better with age and use!

  • Dave Levart 444K MARCH 31, 2021
    China Ranch Date Farm & Bakery – April 2021

    Most likely the most northern commercial date farm in the state of California – this remote ranch is well worth making the trek out to buy delicious dates (some 1,500 trees and 20 varieties). Actor Matthew Modine’s grandmother, Vonola Modine actually planted the first date palms here in the 1920’s entirely from seed. Today the ranch is open to visitors seven days a week – selling a variety of dates, date shakes and numerous souvenirs and other edibles in the shop. Access is on a dirt road that winds its way through a canyon eventually reaching the ranch and passing some of the date palms.

  • Dave Levart 444K MARCH 29, 2021
    Kontiki Expeditions Announce Inaugural 2021 Ecuador Cruises and “Experiences”

    Presenting a new concept in luxury ocean vacations, Kontiki Expeditions focus on conscious travel and immersive water and land experiences accessible via a small luxury yacht. Based in Ecuador and launching in 2021, Kontiki Expeditions are pioneers in conscious luxury travel, offering immersive and sustainable small-yacht expeditions. Dave's Travel Corner is a travel content, resource provider and community (founded 1996) providing travel written about Dave's personal travel experiences and , pages that contain trip summaries and experiences written by fellow travelers. Visitors to Dave's Travel Corner will also find thousands of travel related links organized by categories on the , a containing International travel photos, , and focusing on products useful for travelers, fully automated , offering over 4400 unique tours around the globe, with those making news in the travel industry and - specializing in International travel videos as well as home of the .

  • How to Spend A Romantic Getaway in Chicago?

    The state boasts tons of ardent activities for loved ones to enjoy; thus, you can rest assured that your Couple’s city breaks in Chicago won’t disappoint. With more than 380 acres to explore, The Chicago Botanic Garden offers some of the most serene and peaceful environments to enjoy each other’s company. What’s more, other cruise tours serve you cocktails as you enjoy the magnificent backdrop of the city’s most notable architecture. For this reason, a romantic trip to The Windy City cannot be culminated without marveling at the picturesque skyline from above.

  • Carnival Guadeloupe and travel to the Guadeloupe Islands (Podcast)

    Hear about Carnival in Guadeloupe and more as the Amateur Traveler talks to Mickela Mallozzi from the PBS show Barefeet with Mickela Mallozzi about her visit to these Caribbean islands. Mickela also recommends some more traditional beach resorts on the island like La Toubana Hotel & Spa and La Creole Beach Hotel & Spa. right click here to download (mp3) Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi Guadeloupe Islands Guadeloupe Music and Dance | Guadeloupe Islands Gwo-Ka Guadeloupe Carnival: Mas Maten Music of Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Memorial ACTe Bokit Guadeloupe National Park La Grande Soufrière (Volcano) La Toubana Hotel & Spa Pointe des Châteaux Tendacayou Ecolodge & Spa Zouk Bare Feet in The Caribbean Bare Feet

  • Can’t Miss Things to Do in Atlanta With Kids

    I spent so much of my child­hood going to Braves base­ball games in Atlanta that I was sure that’s what the nation­al anthem meant (“and the home of the … Braves?”). Fam­i­lies also can tour His­toric Ebenez­er Bap­tist Church where King was co-pas­tor, an antique fire sta­tion that once served the area, and the vis­i­tors cen­ter that fea­tures an exhib­it espe­cial­ly for chil­dren. Mountains Hotels near Cen­ten­ni­al Olympic Park, like Hyatt Place or Embassy Suites, are close to the Geor­gia Aquar­i­um and the World of Coca-Cola R. Thomas’s gourmet dish­es are veg­e­tar­i­an-friend­ly, and their kids’ menu is pop­u­lar for offer­ing child­hood sta­ples like peanut

  • 7 Things to Know If You’re in a Car Accident on Vacation

    If you’re renting a car, make sure that you have enough car insurance coverage, and you can check with your credit card companies to see if they have secondary insurance. Additionally, if you’re in an accident in your own car or even a rental car, you need to contact your insurance company. Your insurance policy might be your primary coverage, so you’ll have to let the company know what happened to start establishing a claim. Secondary coverage might pay for any fees or charges not covered by your primary insurance, like deductible reimbursement.

  • 1 Day Seattle Southside Itinerary: The Perfect Spring Daytrip

    This 1 day Seattle Southside itinerary offers a step by step guide for a fun day trip for spring break, or anytime of year. Our family spent a fun packed day this past Saturday on a media tour. Exceptional Thai cuisine finished our tour off strong in Seattle Southside. We would like to thank Seattle Southside Regional Tourism Authority and all the brands/businesess who hosted us for this tour.

  • The benefits of booking your holiday on a credit card

    This protection is particularly valuable if you decide to book your accommodation, flights and transfers separately, or if you are going on a trip that isn’t Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (ATOL) protected. If your holiday gets cancelled at the last minute, you are protected when you use a credit card and might be able to claim a full or partial refund. Unfortunately, if you are forced to cancel your holiday for any reason credit card companies and travel operators are not liable to provide you a refund. However, many will in some circumstances, and it is best to contact your credit card provider at the earliest opportunity to see if you can claim a refund for a holiday you had to cancel.

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