
Score (What’s this?)

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Hi there! My name is Alyssa and I am the proud owner of TheBeautyBush. I built the website, instagram, etc from the ground up and research and write all my blog posts as well as create the quizzes located on my website. I’ve been interested in skin-care and self-care probably since I could walk and I think it is SO important to spread awareness. Recently I’ve published articles on how too many skincare products can be harmful to skin, and the benefit of milk baths on your skin. Additionally, I create fun personalized quizzes to engage website viewers, and film and edit videos for my Instagram involving DIY, or motivational pieces. I’m just starting out on this venture and one day I hope to reach a much wider audience to spread positivity, motivation, and awareness. I also dream of starting my own skincare line. I’m trying to grow my following and traction to my website, and find new products to review! I’m open to most if not all collab ideas. Thank you!❤️🦋

Member Since APRIL 19, 2020
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